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GHTC-Global Healthcare Travel Council is the leading organization in the globe for the Healthcare Travel Industry established in 2013.
The (GHTF) Global Healthcare Travel Forum is the official event for the Global Healthcare Travel Council (GHTC) which is organized in the Presidential Country at the end of each term.
GHTF is paramount that, the industry convenes in these forums; through these engagements, more robust infrastructure is established between stakeholders and the industry. Such forums offer an opportunity to facilitate knowledge exchange and promote networking opportunities that can enable the industry to develop meaningful partnerships with stakeholders.
The potential of World Health Tourism has reached 1 Trillion USD with 100 million traveling world citizens today, Through this Forum TRNC to get its share of this potential. In this new period, the Global Healthcare Travel Council will also carry out special studies to increase the number of health tourists visiting to TRNC, Same as for the other Executive Member countries the goal was to make the TRNC a health-based country.

Mr. Emin Cakmak
Founder and Honorary Chairman